Bili-Talk – that’s new!
Exclusively for Bili carpentry classes
Our speaker
Please welcome Corrado Tona, Chief Sales Officer, Obrist Interior AG and Studio Tonic
His topic – from apprentice to CSO
His speech begins with a quote…
„Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.“ – Steve Jobs

… as a young, trained carpenter, with little knowledge of English, he travels to America to learn the language and gain new work experience in a foreign country. The English language has opened new doors for him, both professionally and privately.
These were the key points of his speech. Firstly, love what you do – this is the only way you can achieve great things. Secondly, build and cultivate your professional and private network and thirdly – “who dares wins!”
Comments from the Bili-class on the speech of Corrado Tona…
Lasse Severin Jeker
It was interesting because he showed us that we can be successful without BMS or the gymnasium. Because of him I also want to work in the USA for some time.

Sofie Lauren Bigler
Mr Tona really got me interested in working abroad. I have always thought of this option. His story has motivated me to do so in the future.
Joa Merlin Rey
The motivation of Mr Tona was very inspiring and has motivated me to do what I want, and archive something in my life.

Brithaney Alexandra Torres Solano
It was interesting to see the different ways you can take to be „successful“. I liked how he presented himself. He motivated me, to stick to my plan. He made me realize that the wood industry has more to give than I had known.
Benjamin Weber
I think it was a very pleasant exchange with Mr. Tona. He is very successful in the carpentry industry. After this exchange I can confidently say that I’d like to stay in this industry for the rest of my life. I want to be successful and make a good living. Now I know it is possible by doing what I love!